Five-year-old girl dies after car crashes into river in Worcestershire, England

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

West Mercia Police have made the announcement that a five-year-old girl that was physically involved in a crash involving a car going into a river has died in Birmingham Children’s Hospital, United Kingdom. The child has been identified as Gabrielle Grady. She was also known as Gabby.

Gabrielle was involved in a vehicle crash on Thursday when the car she was in crashed into the River Avon in the town of Evesham in Worcestershire, England. There were three occupants in the Vauxhall Vectra, including Gabrielle, her six-year-old brother Ryan, and her 41-year-old father Chris Grady, who was driving the vehicle. It took 12 minutes for divers to free Gabrielle from the car, which was partially underwater.

West Mercia Police announced on Sunday that Gabby had died in Birmingham Children’s Hospital at approximately 1330 (1:30 pm) GMT that day. From the time of her entry into the hospital, she was considered to be in a critical condition. Her family was with her at the time of her death. West Mercia Police also commented that Ryan was still recovering in the hospital.

This incident is currently being treated as suspicious, with Chris Grady being remanded in custody for offences of attempted murder. The police have stated that this incident is currently being handled as a murder investigation.

The Onion: An interview with ‘America’s Finest News Source’

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Despite the hopes of many University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW) students, The Onion was not named after their student center. “People always ask questions about where the name The Onion came from,” said President Sean Mills in an interview with David Shankbone, “and when I recently asked Tim Keck, who was one of the founders, he told me the name—I’ve never heard this story about ‘see you at the un-yun’—he said it was literally that his Uncle said he should call it The Onion when he saw him and Chris Johnson eating an onion sandwich. They had literally just cut up the onion and put it on bread.” According to Editorial Manager Chet Clem, their food budget was so low when they started the paper that they were down to white bread and onions.

Long before The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, Heck and Johnson envisioned a publication that would parody the news—and news reporting—when they were students at UW in 1988. Since its inception, The Onion has become a veritable news parody empire, with a print edition, a website that drew 5,000,000 unique visitors in the month of October, personal ads, a 24 hour news network, podcasts, and a recently launched world atlas called Our Dumb World. Al Gore and General Tommy Franks casually rattle off their favorite headlines (Gore’s was when The Onion reported he and Tipper were having the best sex of their lives after his 2000 Electoral College defeat). Many of their writers have gone on to wield great influence on Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert‘s news parody shows.

And we are sorry to break the news to all you amateur headline writers: your submissions do not even get read.

Below is David Shankbone’s interview with Chet Clem and Sean Mills about the news empire that has become The Onion.


  • 1 How The Onion writes an issue
  • 2 The headlines
  • 3 The features and the columnists
  • 4 The photojournalism
  • 5 What The Onion will not publish
  • 6 Reactions to Onion stories
  • 7 The Presidential Seal
  • 8 The Onion’s readership
  • 9 Future features
  • 10 Handling national tragedies
  • 11 The Onion movie and Onion News Network
  • 12 Relationship with other satirical news programs
  • 13 Unsolicited material
  • 14 Source

Why To Become Doctor}

Why To Become Doctor


Romesh Khandelwal

A doctor is a medical professional who helps diagnose and treat patients who are suffering from illness. Doctors work with patients when they are sick. They also may work with healthy people to help them achieve a physical goal, such as improved strength, cosmetic changes, administration of vaccinations and better nutrition. There are many reasons to become a doctor.

Rewarding Profession

Many people are attracted to the doctor profession because it gives them an opportunity to help those in need. Whether healing physical ailments, providing medical advice or performing complex surgeries, doctors have the opportunity to change lives.

Many doctors claim that their profession was a calling and that their personal sacrifices to achieve the career were entirely worth it.

High Earnings

A good doctor has a high earning career. The Planning Commission has estimated a shortage is 600,000 doctors in India. Canada, Australia, Singapore and some Gulf countries currently welcome qualified Doctors as they have a shortage of medical professionals. There are over 70,000 doctors from India working in Canada, UK, USA and Australia. Salaries in developed countries begin at Rs. 24 lacs /year. Some doctors earn in excess of Rs 100 lacs per annum. A very handsome return for your investment in Medical Education!!



In most societies, doctors are given great respect. This high regard is most likely the result of the awesome influence that doctors hold within their grasp daily. Not only do they have the knowledge to recognize and treat major ills, they have committed their professional lives to providing assistance to those who need it. Patients often seek, not only treatment from their doctor, but also guidance and advice.

Personal and Family Health

Being a doctor allows an individual to more accurately diagnose their own and their family’s various maladies. From broken bones to sinus infections, a doctor has a basic understanding of most illnesses and a more in depth understanding in their areas of expertise. Therefore, a doctor can recognize sicknesses based on symptoms that lay-people might miss. Doctors can also take precautions, and recommend their family do the same, to avoid serious illnesses.

In Case of Emergency

One potential benefit of being a doctor is the ability to help in an emergency situation. In cases where many people might panic or be unable to help, a doctor can provide critical advice and care before a paramedic or other professional arrives.

Most stable profession

There will always be a need for doctors. No matter what the state of the economy and no matter which political party is in center, treating and giving health to sick is only a DOCTORs job. The population of the world is increasing, people and governments are getting more health conscious, more and more doctors are needed.

Entrepreneurial Opportunities

Doctors have the advantage of choosing the type of work environment they prefer. They can work in a hospital or a public clinic. They can work in a large corporation or a small town office. They can choose to work for someone else, or those with an entrepreneurial spirit can open their own clinic and work for themselves. There is a common trend where Doctors from various specialties, open a multi-specialty Hospital as Joint Venture.


Not all doctors see patients all day long. Many doctors spend a significant amount of their time in research. With the abundance of disease and illness, there are an infinite number of questions that can only be answered by research. It is through the research that doctors perform that the medical advancements are made. For those that enjoy the challenge of asking questions and finding answers, being a doctor can be very satisfying.

Emotionally Rewarding

A doctor has the opportunity to meet all types of people each and every day. They have the chance to have a positive impact on the lives of their patients and their families. It is rewarding to know that you have the ability to help another human being through a tough time.

Doctors also have the ability to work with talented teams of colleagues that all share a common goal; the treatment and wellness of the patient. It is rewarding to be surrounded by a compassionate group of people that are working together to better their patients and the world.

So now the question is

From where to pursue MBBS, to become a successful DOCTOR.

From where to pursue MBBS, to become a successful DOCTOR.

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Microsoft Taiwan, IGS, GameFlier, and Softstar win the Popular Game Voting of 2008 Taipei Game Show

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

During the fourth day of the 2008 Taipei Game Show, held at the Taipei World Trade Center, visitors voted for their favourite participating companies and games at the “Popular Game Voting” competition.

According to the organizer Taipei Computer Association (TCA), this is the first-ever vote. It has two main categories, quality of the game itself and quality of the presentation at the convention. In the game section there were four categories: leisure game, PC console game, online RPG, and upcoming games. Balancing the vote, booth setup and stage activity were included. If a company won an award in this category, its notoriety is expected to rise and the company could see a great deal of opportunities to market games or its brand to the world.

Aside from the presentation class, winners from the game class were decided by votes from on-site, local gaming magazines, and the official website.

In the end, Microsoft Taiwan won all of the categories of the popular presentation class. In the game voting class, International Games Systems Inc. (IGS) won both popular leisure and upcoming game categories. Soft-World and Softstar Corp. respectively won popular online RPG and PC console game categories.

5 Common Myths About Hiring A Figure Competition Coach}

Submitted by: Olesya Novik

Many people dream of their figure competition and hoisting that trophy. They are willing to do a lot of things to reach that pinnacle via hiring a top women’s figure competition coach.

There are, however, a lot of myths associated with such figure prep coaches – and they have the potential to cost you a lot of money and stress in the long run if you do not pick the right figure competition prep coach.

So without further ado, here are the five most common myths about hiring a figure competition coach for your contest prep, plus the truth behind the myth:

“I will be in shape for my first figure contest in a couple weeks” Figure competition shape takes time, and nothing you do will shorten it down to a couple weeks.

In fact, you will need to doggedly stick to your figure competition prep coach’s plan for at least a month before you can even begin to notice any change in your body’s physique. Anything faster than this is impossible, and pushing yourself to develop muscles by pumping iron three times for every day of the week and losing 3 pounds of fat every day is extremely dangerous for your health and any decent prep coach of figure competitions knows this very well.


“I need specialized supplements to get in figure contest shape” Supplement companies will deny it, online supplement stores will deny it, but the truth of the matter is that you can get perfect figure competition contest shape using only your body, food, cardio and a great training program from a top figure coach.

Protein Powders, BCAA’s, Fat Burners, Nitric Oxide Boosters and any other supplement that is “mandatory” by the supplement company’s view are not necessary to get into figure contest shape. An experienced specialized figure competition coach will help you focus on your goals of winning that figure competition and keep your on track with that figure coach’s program alone. Supplements do help but are in no way a substitute for a great figure prep coach.

“I have to hours and hours of cardio to get that figure competition body” A common mistake figure coaches make when designing a plan for a women’s figure contest is to put too much focus on hours of cardio – not the correct diet.

Even a single 30 min session of intense cardio post workout is more effective than ten grueling 60 mins sessions of cardio a week. The mark of a good figure competition coach is the fact that she listens to how your body feels and reacts when your diet and training are pushed to their limits. Cardio can be determined and added after those two are in place. Whenever you choose your figure competition coach you need to make sure she knows what she is doing and that figure coach will listen to you and your body. You should be able to effectively sculpt your abs to perfection without hours and hours of cardio per week. This is why it is extremely important to choose your Figure coach wisely.

“I only need to focus on exercise to get into figure competition shape” Women’s figure competition contest prep is as much about diet as it is training correctly, which is why you need to watch out for uneducated figure prep coaches when hiring one for a contest.

This is especially true for those “guru” coaches that have a reputation in the industry for giving out cookie cutter diets, as even a slightly incorrect diet that never gets changed and adapted to your emotional needs as a women will keep those abs covered in fat and prevent a lean sculpted physique from ever being shown on stage at your figure competition contest. Mix in the physical demands of being women, living complications with your family, and stresses of every day life and you will only put your own body in greater peril if you do not hire the perfect figure competition prep coach.

“I don’t need to worry about how easily I can get in touch with my figure coach” Oh, you better be worried – how are you going to know what to change modify and adapt in your diet, cardio and training routine if you can’t ever get a hold of your figure competition coach? If they are nowhere to be found how will you ever know how to come into your show correctly as the last week of figure contest prep is the most important. This is especially true for top figure contest competitors doing a national level show with the ultimate goal of winning a procard.

This figure competition journey is not a one-time thing that ends once you spend a week on your diet in hopes of achieving your desired physique. You need to keep going at it for weeks and years on end if you ever hope to make those figure competition magazine covers and be rich and famous.

Choose a women’s figure competition prep diet and training coach wisely as she will need to learn the ins and outs of your body and emotional needs just as well if not better than you. That figure competition coach will be there for you for years to come on your journey to stardom. If you pick the wrong one you will lose money, blood sweat and tears and that hard effort can go to waste if you don’t pick the right figure coach.

Make sure to bust these five myths about figure competition contest prep coaches, and you will be well on your way to being rich and famous, on the cover of your favorite magazine, all the while your and your figure coach sculpt the winning physique.

About the Author: Guy Smiley says : My recommendation for a top figure competition coach: Olesya Novik You can contact her here:


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U.S. prepares for arrival of Hurricane Sandy

Monday, October 29, 2012

The United States is preparing for the arrival of Hurricane Sandy. The hurricane, which is expected to hit late Sunday into Monday, could affect up to sixty million people. The Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, announced that all subway, bus and train services in New York City would be suspended from 19:00 EST on Sunday evening.

The hurricane has already caused damage and fatalities in several Caribbean countries this week. Meteorologists are concerned that it will turn into a “Frankenstorm” as it amalgamates with a winter storm in the run up to Halloween. It has now been downgraded to a post-tropical storm by the National Hurricane Center. It has sustained winds of 85 mph. Authorities warned that a full moon could trigger high tides with storm surges of up to 3 metres which would cause sea water to surge through Lower Manhattan.

Country Damage caused
Haiti At least 44 people killed and homes flooded
Cuba Eleven people killed and second city left without power
Dominican Republic Two people killed and 8,755 people evacuated
Jamaica One person killed and schools, airports closed
Bahamas Power cuts and flooding

It is also expected to cause serious flooding in several areas on the Mid-Atlantic coast, including Long Island Sound and New York Harbour.

New York mayor Michael Bloomberg urged people to take action now to keep themselves safe. “I don’t want anybody to go to bed tonight thinking that they can spend the day worrying about the night after,” Mr Bloomberg said. “If you don’t evacuate, you are not only endangering your life, you are also endangering the lives of the first responders who are going in to rescue you,” he said.

It is expected that the hurricane will affect flights. Air France announced that it will cancel all flights to New York and Washington today. British Airways has cancelled all flights to and from the east coast of the U.S. today.

The Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, has announced that several bridges are to close from 19:00 EDT — George Washington, Verrazano-Narrows, Throgs Neck, Whitestone, Henry Hudson, Cross Bay Veterans, and from 16:00 EDT the Tappan Zee. He also said the worst of the storm has not yet reached the city.

The New York Stock Exchange trading floor is closed today and is to remain closed tomorrow but electronic transactions are still able to take place. Spokesman Rich Adamonis told Reuters “We continue to monitor the situation and to communicate with government officials, regulators, and markets participants,”. The United Nations headquarters in New York have also been shut down. Several states have announced states of emergency- Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington DC and also a coastal county in North Carolina.

Public schools are to remain closed tomorrow in New York, Washington and Philadelphia. The Washington metro is also to be closed tomorrow because of the hurricane.

The state of Delaware has announced a mandatory evacuation order for 50,000 people from coastal areas and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie urged people not to take risks. “We have to be prepared for the worst here. I can be as cynical as any of you but when the storm comes, if it’s as bad as they’re predicting it will be, you’re gonna wish you weren’t as cynical as you might otherwise have been.” he said.

CNN have reported that about 1.5 million people are now being affected by power cuts.

The hurricane has also affected the election campaigning plans of the two main presidential candidates Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. Romney announced that he had cancelled a planned campaign rally yesterday evening in Virginia Beach and Vice-President Joe Biden cancelled a visit there on Saturday.

Woman in Buffalo, New York accidentally sets herself on fire

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Buffalo, New York — A woman in Buffalo, New York in the United States is in critical condition tonight at Sisters Of Charity Hospital after she accidentally set herself on fire.

The unnamed elderly woman was receiving oxygen for medical problems in her home and lit a cigarette, and the oxygen coming from her mask facilitated the ignition of her clothing, setting her on fire.

Despite her “severe” burns as described by firefighters on radio communications, she was still able to dial the emergency line in the U.S., 911.

In the U.S. only 4% of all residential fires were reportedly caused by smoking materials in 2002. These fires, however, were responsible for 19% of residential fire fatalities and 9% of injuries. The fatality rate due to smoking is nearly four times higher than the overall residential fire rate; injuries are more than twice as likely. Forty percent of all smoking fires start in the bedroom or living room/family room; in 35% of these fires, bedding or upholstered furniture are the items first ignited.

Marc Bartra to join Borussia Dortmund

Sunday, June 5, 2016

On Friday, German football club Borussia Dortmund announced they are to sign Spanish defender Marc Bartra from FC Barcelona on a four-year deal. Dortmund has agreed to pay ?€8million for the centre-back.

Marc Bartra graduated from Barcelona’s La Masia youth academy and made his professional debut for the Catalonians in February 2010 against Atlético Madrid, under the management of Pep Guardiola when he was 19-years old.

Bartra has made over 100 appearances for the club and won five La Liga titles; two each of UEFA Champions League trophies, Copa del Rey, UEFA Super Cups, and Supercopa de España titles; and one FIFA Club World Cup.

Borussia Dortmund’s website reported some clarifications are still required before making the move.

Scottish Midlothian car crash kills three

Monday, December 24, 2012

Two cars have been involved in a road traffic accident in the Scottish Lothian and Borders region, causing three fatalities and sending three to hospital. The incident occurred on the A68 road approximately 1.5 miles south of the Midlothian village of Pathhead when a Škoda Octavia and a Nissan Note travelling in opposite directions collided at approximately 0730 UTC today.

The Nissan, which was carrying five occupants, overturned and came to rest on its roof. Three male Buddhist monks who sat in the back of the car died at the site of the crash. The female driver of the vehicle managed to get out of the vehicle herself but another male passenger in the front of the car had to be cut free by fire service members. The two front-seat passengers as well as the male driver of the Škoda were hospitalised at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, although none of their injuries are considered likely to be fatal.

“This is a tragic incident,” Inspector Simon Bradshaw of Lothian and Borders Police said, “and we are currently in the process of carrying out inquiries in order to establish the full circumstances of the collision.” The A68 road close to the location of the accident was temporarily closed to allow police to investigate the incident, with traffic redirected to the B6370 road via the town of Gorebridge. The road has since reopened.

Microsoft Oem Preinstallation For Windows 10 70 734 Dumps}

Submitted by: Delia Green

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About the Author: Killtest 70-734 practice exam are written by the great professionals who are specialist in studies. Microsoft 70-734 study questions are explained in an easy mode so that you could understand them correctly.


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